
Mortgage Minutes
A fast close, or a short contract period, is often used as a negotiating tactic to show that as a buyer you're serious about this purchase and that you have your finances in order. But how fast can you really close? In this video let's explore the most common closing timelines and when each is...
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We often talk about "locking the loan" or "locking your rate" but what does that really mean? The simplest explanation is that "locking your rate" secures a chosen interest rate for your mortgage, at a specific cost for a set amount of time. The reality is that its an agreement between the end investor of...
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If you've got income showing up on multiple schedules of your tax return THIS is the video for you. Here Ruby discusses how a mortgage lender views dividend and interest income (1040 Schedule B), Capital Gains income (Schedule D) Temporary Leave, Trust Income, and Royalties...
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If you are looking to buy a new property and you already own property, either as a primary residence or a current investment property you're likely wondering if you can use rental income, or potential rental income, to qualify for your purchase. Here Ruby discusses the most likely circumstances in which rental income can be...
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We've talked about W2 income and Self-employment types and this week we throw off the shackles of work and talk about qualifying income during the retirement years.
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Income from self-employment often has the widest margin between what a person actually takes home and what can be used for qualifying for a mortgage. While this video won't get into the nitty-gritty of actual calculations Ruby does go over how a lender is going to evaluate the income and what documentation will generally be...
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The order in which you things when buying a home can really impact whether you are able to look back on your experience as a low-stress success. So let's talk about what to do BEFORE you find your dream home (and the order that you should do it in).
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Your income does not directly translate to the income your loan officer or an underwriter can consider when qualifying you for a home mortgage. This video is a quick overview of some of the most common types of income and in subsequent weeks we'll take a more in-depth look at the different income types.
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What is W2 income? Simply put it's income earned by working for a business you don't own (and at the end of the year or earnings and deductions are reported to you on IRS Form W2). Tons of income types fall into the Wage Earner or W2 category and this video, part 1 of 2,...
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Last week we looked at the basics of W2 income; fixed and variable, salary, hourly, seasonal, and contract employment. This week we're diving into the funky stuff... This is anything outside of your base pay, so overtime and shift differentials, tips and commission, and bonus income - both cash bonuses and restricted stock unit awards.
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